Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Scheduling and Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Scheduling and Project Management - Essay Example (Duncan, 1996, pp.4-5) Project Management involves balancing a number of competing demands on time, cost, and quality, and meeting the expectations of various stakeholders. Although several aspects of project management such as PERT/CPM planning are unique to it, there are other areas that overlap with other functional areas of management such as organizational behaviour, financial forecasting, and contracting. (Duncan, 1996, p.8) In order to take care of these activities, project management needs an organization structure. The commonly employed organizational structures are functional, project, and matrix structures. Under functional structure, all similar functional activities such as finance or HR are grouped together under one common head. In a project specific structure, the project manager has different functional experts under her. Matrix structures are those in which there is dual control. Wal-Mart, being primarily a retail giant, is unlikely to have a purely project specific management structure. This means that the project manager will have to get things done through functional heads.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Understanding Research Philosophy Why Is It Important Sociology Essay

Understanding Research Philosophy Why Is It Important Sociology Essay Many of us believe that research is always related to activities that are hidden and mostly strictly confidential from our knowledge and in our daily life (Altinay and Paraskevas, 2006). In addition, majority of us also believed that these activities are held in laboratories, in some aspect this is partly correct, in a sense that the research done by people in laboratories follows certain scientific strategies and methodologies. However, there are also a growing number of individuals such as business managers, marketers, academics and students who at the present time conduct a thorough research outside laboratories in order to develop and produce knowledge relevant to the business world or any particular interest. With this regard, the difference between the researchers are in their research approaches, strategies and philosophies. These differences are their perception of how the knowledge can be created and constructed in a rigorous and meaningful way in order to answer a research problem. (Altinay and Paraskevas 2008:69). Research philosophy is defined as the development of knowledge and the nature of knowledge (Saunders, et al., 2009). The meaning might sound rather profound, however, the author further explained that the basic meaning of the definition is precisely the exact thing every researcher is doing when he or she is conducting a research and that is the will to develop knowledge in a particular field. According to Crossan (2003) on paper about Research Philosophy: Towards and Understanding, (Crossan 2003), there are several reasons on why researchers needs to understand philosophical issues before embarking themselves in a particular field. Easterby-Smith, et al. (2002), identifies three reasons on why there is significance on understanding philosophies in reference to research methodology. The first reason the author added is that by understanding research philosophy the researcher may refine and clarify the research method to be used in their study and consequently help the researchers to gather their evidence and to answer their research questions. Secondly, the knowledge of research philosophy will enable to assist the researchers with different types of methodologies and as such avoiding inappropriate and unrelated works. Lastly, by understanding the basic meaning of research philosophy and understanding its advantages and benefits, it helps the researcher to be more creative and exploratory in their method of research. Saunders, et al. (2009) added, that in research philosophy each researcher follows important views on how they perceived the world. Furthermore, this views and assumptions will greatly affect the research strategy and methodology a researcher chooses as part of its approach. Research methods can be described and classified into different levels (Clark, 1998). In addition, Saunders, et al. (2009) also pointed out that the levels of research methods a researcher should adopt will contain his or her views about the world. These views will actually support the researchers judgment on which research method the researcher should choose as a part of its strategy (Saunders, et al., 2009). In the social science world however, there is an ongoing debate to which is the most appropriate standpoint from the views of positivism and the non-positivism/ interpretativism (Saunders, et al., 2009). According to Saunders, et al. (2009), if a researcher reflects the philosophy or the views of positivism, then most probably the researcher will take on the philosophical instance of natural scientist. Positivism according to Veal (2006) is a framework of research similar to the views and assumptions adopted by natural scientist, in which the researchers view the people and its behaviour as phenomena to be studied, using facts and observations as its strategy to explain the phenomena. Saunders, et al., (2009) also added that positivism views mostly prefer working in an observable social reality and will have an end product research similar to those produced by a natural scientist. Furthermore, researcher with positivism views will only observe a phenomenon which is observable and will end up producing credible data. In addition, the author also argued that one of the essential elements of a positivist approach is that the views of the researcher are not influenced on value of judgements. Interpretivism on the other hand, strongly believes that it is imperative for a researcher to understand the factors and differences between humans in our role as social actors (Saunders, et al., 2009). To clarify, the author further discussed that these belief is plainly to emphasise the difference between conducting research among people rather than materials or object. Saunders, et al.( 2009) also argued that the complexity of the position of interpretivism comes from two intellectual traditions namely; phenomenology and symbolic interactionism. To explain, the author identifies phenomenology as referring to the way the human beings make sense to the world and the surrounding, while the symbolic interactionism, the human being are in the continual process of interpreting the surrounding social world. In social world, Smith (1998) argued that positivism is most probably the most important attempt in order to have authoritative knowledge. The author also added that the positive approach to social sciences is more of a scientific method because a researcher with positivism philosophy will always assume that everything and every phenomenon can be studied as hard facts and as such establish scientific laws. Although, for some researchers they believe that it is imperative to use the traditional approach of research such as the naturalist or scientific method in order to explain phenomena or any occurrence in the physical and life science (Remenyi, et al., 1998). The author also argued that many scholars however, have proven a point that this is not entirely appropriate to study human beings or the organisations they have created. This point was clearly illustrated on Carr 1967 (cited in, Remenyi et al., 1998:94). I do not wish to suggest that the interference of the social scientist or of the historian can match that of physical scientist in precision, or that their inferiority in this respect is due merely to the greater backwardness of the social sciences. The Human being is on any view the most complex entity known to us, and the study of his behaviour may well involve differences in kind from those confronting the physical scientists. With this regard, many would argue that the study of phenomenology or sometimes called non-positivism is more appropriate method or strategy in order to study peoples behaviour and their organisation (Remenyi, et al, 1998). The author further argued that researchers that has phenomenological views does not deny the importance and relevance of positivism in the study of physical life and sciences, after all, if not because of positivism there will be no enlightenment to the development material reality of the twentieth-century, such as heart transplant and space travels. However, despite the importance of the positivism views, they have poor insights when explaining, why people hate their jobs and most of the time complains about everything, why customer service is normally poor, or why is it that most of employees are motivated with achievement and some are not (Remenyi, et al., 1998). Research Approach According to Saunders, et al. (2009) research approaches are mainly based on the research philosophies, whereby the deductive approach is commonly used by researchers with traditional natural scientific views (positivism), while inductive approach is usually based on phenomenology (interpretivism). Sometimes these research paradigms or approaches are used together in research to explain better an occurrence or phenomena (Gilner, et al., 20000). Furthermore, a deductive approach is an extremely influential and intellectual approach, in which conceptual and theoretical framework is developed and tested using empirical observation (Hussey and Hussey, 1997). An inductive research on the other hand is an approach whereby, the theory is developed from observing an empirical reality, which is typically oppose the deductive method (Hussey and Hussey,1997). Research Strategies Selecting an appropriate research strategy is key to ensuring that research questions are addressed in a way which has value and is congruent with the overall topic, questions and purpose of research (Palliative Medicine 2004; 18:677-684).In relation to, Saunders, et al. (2009) added that most of the research strategies belongs to deductive approach. The author also argued that even it is imperative to allocate strategies, it is important to remember that there is no superior or inferior type of strategy, all strategies are important to every researcher; however, their use will entirely depend on the field of study the researcher will embark on. According to Robson (1993) there are three traditional research strategies, namely; Experiment, Survey and Case Studies. However, Saunders, et al., (2009) added that research strategies should not be restricted on one strategy per study; it is also possible that survey strategy can be as part of case study. Apart from the relation of experiment to natural and social sciences, Saunders, et al. (2009) also defines experiment as, the study of casual links between an independent and dependent variable. Therefore, experiments are commonly use as a basis of explanatory research in answering the questions how and why. Survey is a popular strategy in conducting a research, as it allows a large amount collection of data from a chosen sample (Saunders, et al., 2009). Additionally, the author also pointed out that survey is essential in the collection of quantitative data whereby the researcher can analyse the data quantitatively by using inferential statistics. The last on the tradition research strategies according to Saunders, et al. (2009), is the case study; the author identifies this research method as commonly used in social sciences in order to have a more in-depth study of a particular individual or a group for that matter. Approach for this Study In the past, many scholars and researchers considered positivism as the correct scientific paradigm to the study of marketing (Carson, et al., 2001). This argument has also been supported by European Journal of Marketing, 28 (3) 1994, whereby the author suggested that the researchers needs to rethink the marketing research methods and answer questions such as, why do qualitative studies lack of acceptance in marketing? (Hunt,1994:13-25). According to (Carson, et al., 2001), after the aggressive and long time debate about the relevance of the approaches of scientific theories on the marketing study (see for example the European Journal of Marketing, 28 (3) 1994), the author considers the qualitative research method in the perspective of marketing as a suitable research approach for this study. In addition, Carson, et al. (2001) also discussed that interpretivsim is more suitable in the study of marketing as its approach to is in a more personal level in answering the problems in social field such as understanding the reality. Furthermore, the author also identified its position to marketing research as skewed toward interpretive end of the spectrum. (See figure 1) SPECTRUM.jpg Figure 1. The authors position to marketing research (Adapted from Carson, et al. (2009:14) In terms or research strategy, Bonoma (1985) argued that case study is a popular method amongst many marketers. In addition, the author defines case study as a well-suited approach to marketing, moreover, the pattern of case study strategy in the field of marketing is highly recognise as means to generate exploratory insights.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Color Blindness and Testing in Children Essay -- Vision Sight Disorder

Color Blindness and Testing in Children In a world of many technological advances, color perception has become a very important issue. One of the main advances pertains to color technology. An increased emphasis on color technology has raised awareness of the issue of color blindness. Many people are not aware of the origins of color blindness and the different types, although many people are affected by it. One in two hundred females have this defect while in males the defect occurs in one and twelve ( Lewis, Reitzammer & Amos, 1990). That is about two percent of the female and eight percent of male populations (Sewell, 1983). It is important to look at the prevalence of colorblindness in children and identify the problems associated with it. Color deficiencies can take many forms but are generally grouped together and known as colorblindness. The different types of color blindness include protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia. Individuals with protanopia perceive short-wavelength light as blue, and when the wavelength is increased, the blue becomes less and less clear until it is perceived as gray at 492 nm (Goldstein, 1999). Deuteranopia causes a person to perceive blue at short wavelengths and see yellow at long wavelengths with a neutral point at 498 nm. The most rare form of color blindness is tritanopia. These individuals perceive blue at short wavelengths and perceive red at long wavelengths with a neutral point at 570 nm (Goldstein, 1999). Protanopia and deuteranopia are commonly referred to as red-green blindness. These forms of colorblindness are sex linked; the gene responsible is on the X-chromosome, with the dominant gene passed by the mother. With the female (XX), the anomalous locus on one X chromosome.. . ... Psychology, 14, 196-218. Goldstein, B. E. (1999). Sensation & Perception, Fifth Edition. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks Cole Publishing. Knowlton, M., & Woo, I. (1989). Functional color vision deficits and performance of children on an educational task. Education of the Visually Handicapped, 20, 56-62. Lewis, B.A., Reitzammer, A., & Amos, J.F. (1990). color vision defects: what teachers should know. Reading Improvement, 27, 31-33. Pease, P.L. & Allen J. (1988). A new test for color screening color vision: concurrent validity and utility. American Journal of Optometry and Physiological optics, 65, 729-738. Sewell, J.H. (1983). Color counts too! Academic Therapy, 81, 329-37. Waggoner, T. L. (2000, February 6). New pediatric Color Vision Test for Three to Six Year Old Pre-School Children. [Online], Available.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Myself, my setting and my learning Essay

The aim of this reflective account is to discuss my developing practice and how as a childminder I ensure my setting meets the requirements of the curriculum which I follow. This is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS, DfES, 2007), whilst still keeping true to my own beliefs in the best environment for learning to meet the needs of all the children whom attend my setting. My setting has eleven children enrolled, from one to ten years; all children are able bodied, although some have specific behavioural needs. I belong to a local quality assurance and childminding network. As an early years provider I have a responsibility to implement the four themes of the EYFS; A unique child, Positive Relationships, Enabling Environments and Learning and Development including the sixteen commitments. I believe the EYFS has brought positive changes to settings, as it ensures that no-matter what type of setting, there is now a set of standards which all must meet. This can only be seen to offer peace of mind to parents and as a benefit to children’s well-being. 1 The course has taught me the background of the EYFS, as a key part in The Ten Year Childcare Strategy, (DfES, 2004c) and the Childcare Act 2006 (DfES, 2006), ensuring the Every Child Matters agenda is implemented. The five major themes combined with the five outcomes of the Children’s Act 2004, highlights the important role required of the Early Years Services and multi-agency working. As a result of the recent changes of the Childcare Act 2006, one of the biggest impacts I have noticed is the training available. The aim of The Children’s Plan (DCSF, 2007); ‘To make England the best place in the world for children and young people to grow up in’, has many measures in place to support this and one of the changes needed is for professional development to be coherent in the children’s workforce . (KU3) As Sylva et al points out, â€Å"Quality of provision is dependent on the quality of the staff who work in the settings† (Melhuish et al, 1999; Sylva et al., 2003). 2 Because of the funding available not only have I been able  to access this course, I have also recently completed courses on ‘Observing children in the home setting’ and ‘Senior Safeguarding Children’. I ensure parents are updated of any new training to demonstrate my professional attitude to my setting. (CS1, CS2 & CS3, KU3) I also show a professional attitude to my role by using parent evaluation forms and having a suggestions box (for children and parents). Due to some of the children coming from broken families I send the diaries via e-mail or paper copy, it is also one of the EYFS principles ‘Positive Relationships’.3 (KS4) Parents receive a parent information booklet, which includes policies and procedures to comply with the EYFS statutory requirements and to highlight my roles and responsibilities, such as; safeguarding children, positive behaviour management, medicines and first-aid, equal opportunities, health and safety, fire procedure, accident and emergency plan and my complaints procedure. A significant change from the EYFS has been the need for planning to focus on each child’s individual learning, development and care needs and to ensure that the children and their families are fully included in all aspects of care. The importance of observations and planning to meet individual needs was stated in an article a in the Child Care magazine (November 2007), â€Å"It is important you know what level the child is at, what their next steps are, what their interests are and how you can enhance those interests†. This was before the introduction of the EYFS, in September 2008 and it demonstrates that is was good practice to use observations before it became a requirement in order to give each child a valuable learning experience. By being a reflective practitioner and using observations to construct my planning, I understand when I need to adapt activities within my setting to meet the needs of all children. I regularly observe and plan the curriculum around individual needs and it also my responsibility to facilitate learning and ensure correct resources and materials available to ensure inclusion for all; this could be something as simple as ensuring I have left handed scissors available, to ensuring younger children are able to participate in forest excursions by having them in back carriers and having spare waterproof clothing. (CS1, CS2 & CS3) 4 Compared to many other early years’ settings, I have a strong emphasis on  being outdoors and I work from a large log cabin amongst trees in my garden. This encourages the children to explore their natural environment and often leads to unintended curriculum such as; finding lots of snails on a rainy day and then making ‘home’s for them amongst the trees. In Norway, almost 10% of kindergartens are based outdoors and I share their attitude to children and the outdoor environment with the saying â€Å"There is no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing†. We often go on forest excursions, build out door dens using natural resources and the children have the freedom to explore. I believe my role in this helps the children develop a positive and confident ‘can do’ attitude no matter what the elements. (CS1 & CS3) 5 It wasn’t until I completed the activity in ST3 ‘Reflecting on Approaches to Curricular’ that I noticed that I use some similar practices to the Steiner approach such as; we sing songs to inform everyone it is tidy up time, and song time is a very active affair. I encourage the children to explore their natural environment and we celebrate the changes in season first hand. I believe this approach enhances the EYFS guidance as it is a play led approach, the main difference with the EYFS is what it expects children to achieve academically before they are five years than the Steiner approach expect of children of seven years. Which is also when countries, such as Sweden believe is the best age for children to begin formal education (CS1, CS2 & CS3). 6 Although I do feel that the children who attend my setting benefit greatly from my outdoor curriculum compared to the rather small outdoor area at the ‘Lark’s Children’s Centre’ (DVD 1), the Centre has a well equipped indoor space, where there is a professional attitude by the multi-agency professionals. It was encouraging to see the way they shared information, to ensure the best outcome for the parents and the children. In comparison I work alone although I do participate in network meetings. I share information regularly with nursery staff and teachers and use observations to support parents in discussing concerns with other professionals. It was obvious from the different projects that the Children’s Centre has good funding; in comparison I work privately and my setting relies on my income  to supply equipment and resources (CS1 & CS3). However both settings have a positive ethos in working with parents and children. 7 Meanwhile similar targets to Sure Start have been set within other countries in the United Kingdom such as the Early Years Strategy in Northern Ireland (DENI, 2007), The Early Years Framework (Scottish Government, 2009a) and the Flying Start programme and the Framework for Children’s Learning in Wales (Welsh Assembly Government, 2008), all of which have the aim of improving the life chances of the very young members of our society, by ensuring they have access to good quality child care and education.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How Far Was the Nuclear Arms Race a Threat to World Peace Essay

The nuclear arms race did threaten world peace because the weapons being created had the potential to destroy the world, to any nation this comprehension was threatening especially due to these weapons being in control of two countries that ideologically conflicted. Additionally, both superpowers paranoia for one another grew as the power of the weapons created grew and multiplied, this further threatened world peace since any minor movement made by either power could have been misinterpreted as an attack. However, it becomes clear from a post perspective that the arms race did in fact deter any form of violence between the USA and the USSR, this was due to their fear of mass destruction and that it was more a competition of ability between the two powers rather than a desire to attack their opponent. Although these facts do suggest the arms race wasn’t threatening, the fact that both nations had the capability to destroy the world can be seen as enough for the arms race to have been a threat to world peace. The Culture of secrecy that developed during the arms race threatened world peace because it fuelled the paranoia consuming each nation as to whether the other had military superiority. The fears concerning both powers led to assumptions being made on the other country’s progress, this is evident with the profound effect the Gaither report of 1957 had on the US. The report which was commissioned just after Sputnik heightened fear that the Soviet Union had military superiority because there was a missile gap between the two nations. The report led to the US creating a National Defence Education Act in an attempt to reinforce their already extensive military science and defence units, at the time the number of students studying at college doubled (mainly in engineering, maths and science). The impact of the report illustrates US fears of Russia gaining military superiority and if Eisenhower had thought the report to be true, it is questionable how much action might have been taken to prevent Russian military knowledge expanding. Therefore the culture of secrecy and the ignition of fear it created made the arms race a threat to world peace. Additionally, the concentration of power in the hands of both nations encouraged dangerous tactics to be considered, such as, the US doctrine of ‘massive retaliation’ in 1954. The US was confident at this point of their nuclear superiority over the world and believed that no nation would risk a war against their nuclear based force, it used the method of brinkmanship which involved going to the brink of nuclear war. Therefore the method was extremely provocative and if used would easily cause further hostility and conflict, especially since the USSR was adopting similar methods. An example of Brinkmanship can be seen in the Cuban Missile crisis 1962 which did arguably come to the brink of nuclear war, it’s an example of how dangerous the method is since if both powers were attempting to use it it wouldn’t have the desired effect of forcing the other country into submission. Consequently it seems the arms race in the 1950’s had led to over confidence for both nations to be considering such tactics which undoubtedly would have threatened world peace. However, the nuclear arms race did arguably deter both nations from participating in direct conflict due to the threat it would disrupt world peace. This concept of nuclear deterrence arose during the Korean War due to the threat direct conflict posed for not only Korea but the world. To prevent nuclear escalation procedures were followed such as Stalin not becoming directly involved in the war and Truman not using nuclear weapons against China, since this would lead to Russia having to support China and an indirect nuclear conflict taking place. When evaluating the Cuban Missile Crisis it is evident the effect different concepts and methods have on the outcome of nuclear threat, massive retaliation led to a quarantine in the Cuban crisis, whilst in the Korean war nuclear deterrence led to peaceful existence of both countries in opposition with no nuclear threat present. But this does show that different methods being interpreted played a key role in the arms race being a threat to world peace and that it wasn’t solely the nuclear arms being created. It is also clear during 1949-62 that the arms race was more of a competition between the two powers, hence ‘race’. Neither concluded any form of destruction or conflict as a result of the arms race, therefore it’s difficult to view the race as a threat. It is evident that it was simply a competition since it also involved technological and space advances, such as when Sputnik was launched in 1957, US failed in launching their own satellite Vanguard which was seen as a great failure and embarrassment for the US. The Soviet Union seemed to advance with rocket technology and in 1961 Yuri Gagarin in Vostok I became the first man in space, this indicates that particularly for Russia the arms race was not only about military advancements but overall technological advancements. It illustrates that the arms race was more about being the smartest and most powerful nation rather than bringing about the others destruction and thus being a threat to the world. It appears that the arms race wasn’t only about the destructive weaponry but about the paranoia and the ego of the two powers. Both nations were in fierce competition with the other to be the best super power and this seemed far more important to them than actually attacking the other nation, this is clear due to both countries agreeing to nuclear deterrence and limited war. Neither country wished to disrupt peace but simply lived in fear of the other country developing a more powerful weapon they could confront the other with, or succeeding them in space technology and thus being the better nation. Although any confrontation that had taken place rarely truly would have led to a nuclear war, there was always a slight threat that even with the most minute misinterpretation a missile could have been fired. This concern combined with the fact both nations did have the capability to destroy the world is enough to conclude that the nuclear arms race was a threat to world peace.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

declaration of independence essays

declaration of independence essays A piece of persuasive writing convinces others to change their minds or to take a specific action. The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, presented a fine example of a compelling persuasive essay. Jeffersons essay is so compelling because of his incredibly brave thesis statement, which he supported in the body of his text, as well as his equally powerful conclusion. The introduction of the Declaration of Independence is so persuasive because of the bold thesis statement. Jeffersons introduction also provided the necessary background information needed for any strong introductory paragraph. In this introduction Jefferson clearly stated that all men are created equal and that all men, regardless of citizenship or loyalties, are entitled to certain unalienable rights, which include Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness. Jefferson went on to state that if any government oppresses these rights we not only can, but are obligated to, alter or abolish that government. Jefferson then confirmed that the government of King George III had not only oppressed these rights but had done so intentionally and repeatedly. He then established that it was his and all other colonists duty to inform others of the logical reasons for separation from England and the justification for revolution. Jeffersons Declaration of Independence was also well written because he used the body of his essay to support his prowess cry to separate from England. These reasons were twenty-seven violations of the colonists Unalienable right committed by King George III. These violations included, For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world. This violation prevented the colonists from earning a living and pursing their happiness. Another example of the violations of the colonists rights was For imposing taxes on us without our consent.&...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Aim Of The Ivu Examination Health And Social Care Essay Essay Example

Aim Of The Ivu Examination Health And Social Care Essay Essay Example Aim Of The Ivu Examination Health And Social Care Essay Essay Aim Of The Ivu Examination Health And Social Care Essay Essay There are many indicant related to the urinary system that possibly used to depict possible reactions to contrast media. The common pathologic indicants for radiographic urinary system processs are benign prostate hyperlaspsia ( BPH ) . It is the expansion of the prostate that ever happen in 50 old ages old adult male above. Although this is merely the benign status, this disease will do urethral compaction and besides obstructor. This obstructor will do the patient to experience hurting and difficult to urinate. The following pathologic indicants are vesica concretion which cause rock signifier in the vesica. The rock is non the same as the nephritic concretion. The rock that signifier in the vesica is grow rather big. This presence of rock in vesica causes the patient hard to urinate. Next is cystitis that describes the redness of the urinary vesica cause by infection of Fungi or bacterial. This is frequently happen to the adult females because ; they have a short urethra that more readily licenses retrograde transition of bacteriums into the vesica. There are many other diseased indicants like nephritic obstructor, acute obstructor, nephritic high blood pressure, pyelonephritis and many more. Patient readying for the ivu is similar with Ba clyster. The enteric piece of land should be free from any gas and faecal stuff. One twenty-four hours before the scrutiny is carried out ; the radiographer should teach the patient to fasting ( about 6 to 8 hours ) . This process is the same as for the kidney, ureter and vesica ( KUB ) scrutiny. Stomach need about 24 hours to be clear from any feaces or gases in the GI piece of land. The patient should take merely light repast on the eventide on the twenty-four hours before the scrutiny. The patient will be given an unwritten laxative that is duccolax to be eating at the dark before the scrutiny. For the certain group of patient, adaptation should be given. The group is diabetics, kids, and patients with other predisposing medical conditions in line with current section pattern. Teach the patient to alter to infirmaries fifty gown and emptied the vesica. The patient should invalidate merely before the scrutiny is performed for the unde rmentioned grounds. First is the vesica that is excessively full that could tear, particularly if compaction is applied early in the test. The 2nd 1 is urine already present in the vesica dilute the contrast media that accumulates at that place. The vesica will go big and little in form and sometimes irregular vesica lineation. The vesica possibly big due to prostate expansion, urethral obstructor, and neurogenic vesica. The vesica will go little due to tuberculosis, chronic cystitis, pelvic irradiation, and surgery. And, the pelvic will irregular in vesica lineation due to muscle wall hypertrophy with trabecualtion or to diverticula, chronic cystitis, neurogenic vesica and schisotosomiasisula. Benefits Using ivu for imaging intent is minimally invasive process with rare complication. The images that we get are valuable, the information is detailed and easy for doctors to name and handle the urinary piece of land conditions from kidney rocks to malignant neoplastic disease. By utilizing ivu, we can besides avoid more invansive surgical processs and can direct dainty with the medicine because it provide adequate information about kidney rocks and obstructor. This imagination procedure besides is less expensive, painless and faster than the options such as computed imaging ( CT ) and magnetic resonance imagination ( MRI ) . There is no side consequence due to the x beam and no radiation will stay in the organic structure after the scrutiny. Hazards The effectual radiation dose from this process is the same as the mean individual receives from background radiation in six months. In some people, contrast stuff can do inauspicious reaction on them. For adult females, if they have any possibility to hold a babe, they should inform their doctor or ten ray engineer. For some people, they may be allergic to iodine in the dye but it amp ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢s merely in little measure. There are alternate probe for people with an allergic reaction, hay febrility or asthma and a little dosage of corticoids given to stamp down the allergic response. Diabetic patients who may undergo ivu scrutiny should halt dice medical specialty for 48 hours before an ivu scrutiny. For the patients who is enduring from terrible liver, bosom or kidney diseases possibly given a particular direction by the specializer? Precaution In endovenous urography ( IVU ) process, there is some safeguard when making this process. For pregnant adult females they are non allowed to take any scrutiny sing on X ray. This will do abnormalcies to unborn kid. So, radiographer should inquire patient foremost whether they are pregnant or non before making scrutiny. If the patient have diabetic and take unwritten hypoglycaemic medicine, patient should take the medical specialty before scrutiny and non allowed to take after 8 hours after scrutiny. The radiation exposure from this trial is comparative high for the entire organic structure particularly for generative system on male and female. Therefore this trial is non recommended for pregnant adult females for the safety of foetus. Ten twenty-four hours regulation is applied to adult females to making this test.This scrutiny merely carried out during first 10 yearss of menses. This clip is the best to cut down any possibility of developing foetus to adult females. Resume your nor mal diet and drink plentifulness of H2O to blush the contrast stuff out your system. IVU is non done every bit frequently as it used to be. This is because of the development of new machine such as ultrasound, CT and MRI scanning. This new technique is more effectual compared to IVU. Drumhead

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Germans to America - Passengers Arriving at US Ports

Germans to America - Passengers Arriving at US Ports Are you researching German immigrants to America during the 19th century? Germans to America, compiled and edited by Ira A. Glazier and P. William Filby, is a series of books which indexes passenger arrival records of ships carrying Germans to the U.S. ports of  Baltimore, Boston, New Orleans, New York, and Philadelphia. It presently covers the  records of over 4 million passengers during  the period January 1850 through Jun 1897. Due to its inclusion criteria, this series is considered to be an incomplete- though fairly thorough- index to German passengers arriving in America during this period. The quality of the transcription varies, but the series is still an excellent research tool for tracking down German immigrant ancestors. If a listing is found in Germans to America, then the original passenger lists should be consulted, as they may contain further details.   Where to Find Germans to America The individual books in the Germans to America series  are fairly pricey, so the best research option is to either find a library with the series (most major genealogical libraries will have it), or locate a database version. The database version created by the Center for Immigration Studies at the Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies (the same group that created the published versions) was originally published on CD and is now available for free online from the National Archives and FamilySearch. It is unclear exactly how the data compiled in the Germans to America, 1850–1897 database relates directly to the published volumes.  NARA staff has found that there are ship manifests included in the database that are not included in the respective published volumes, and that there is also a difference in the covered time periods.   The Germans to America Series The first 9 volumes of the Germans to America series indexed only passenger lists of ships that contained at least 80% German passengers. Thus, a number of Germans who came over on ships from 1850–1855 are not included. Beginning with Volume 10, all ships with German passengers were included, regardless of the percentage. However, only those identifying themselves as German are listed; all other passenger names were not transcribed. Volumes 1–59 of Germans to America (through 1890) include arrivals to the major U.S. ports of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston and New Orleans. Beginning in 1891, Germans to America only includes arrivals to the port of New York. Some Baltimore arrivals are known to be missing from Germans to America- see  Why Some Baltimore Passenger Lists are Missing and How to Find Them  by Joe Beine for more information. Vol. 1 Jan 1850 - May 1851 Vol. 35 Jan 1880 - Jun 1880 Vol. 2 May 1851 - Jun 1852 Vol. 36 Jul 1880 - Nov 1880 Vol. 3 Jun 1852 - Sep 1852 Vol. 37 Dec 1880 - Apr 1881 Vol. 4 Sep 1852 - May 1853 Vol. 38 Apr 1881 - May 1881 Vol. 5 May 1853 - Oct 1853 Vol. 39 Jun 1881 - Aug 1881 Vol. 6 Oct 1853 - May 1854 Vol. 40 Aug 1881 - Oct 1881 Vol. 7 May 1854 - Aug 1854 Vol. 41 Nov 1881 - Mar 1882 Vol. 8 Aug 1854 - Dec 1854 Vol. 42 Mar 1882 - May 1882 Vol. 9 Dec 1854 - Dec 1855 Vol. 43 May 1882 - Aug 1882 Vol. 10 Jan 1856 - Apr 1857 Vol. 44 Aug 1882 - Nov 1882 Vol. 11 Apr 1857 - Nov 1857 Vol. 45 Nov 1882 - Apr 1883 Vol. 12 Nov 1857 - Jul 1859 Vol. 46 Apr 1883 - Jun 1883 Vol. 13 Aug 1859 - Dec 1860 Vol. 47 Jul 1883 - Oct 1883 Vol. 14 Jan 1861 - May 1863 Vol. 48 Nov 1883 - Apr 1884 Vol. 15 Jun 1863 - Oct 1864 Vol. 49 Apr 1884 - Jun 1884 Vol. 16 Nov 1864 - Nov 1865 Vol. 50 Jul 1884 - Nov 1884 Vol. 17 Nov 1865 - Jun 1866 Vol. 51 Dec 1884 - Jun 1885 Vol. 18 Jun 1866 - Dec 1866 Vol. 52 Jul 1885 - Apr 1886 Vol. 19 Jan 1867 - Aug 1867 Vol. 53 May 1886 - Jan 1887 Vol. 20 Aug 1867 - May 1868 Vol. 54 Jan 1887 - Jun 1887 Vol. 21 May 1868 - Sep 1868 Vol. 55 Jul 1887 - Apr 1888 Vol. 22 Oct 1868 - May 1869 Vol. 56 May 1888 - Nov 1888 Vol. 23 Jun 1869 - Dec 1869 Vol. 57 Dec 1888 - Jun 1889 Vol. 24 Jan 1870 - Dec 1870 Vol. 58 Jul 1889 - Apr 1890 Vol. 25 Jan 1871 - Sep 1871 Vol. 59 May 1890 - Nov 1890 Vol. 26 Oct 1871 - Apr 1872 Vol. 60 Dec 1890 - May 1891 Vol. 27 May 1872 - Jul 1872 Vol. 61 Jun 1891 - Oct 1891 Vol. 28 Aug 1872 - Dec 1872 Vol. 62 Nov 1891 - May 1892 Vol. 29 Jan 1873 - May 1873 Vol. 63 Jun 1892 - Dec 1892 Vol. 30 Jun 1873 - Nov 1873 Vol. 64 Jan 1893 - Jul 1893 Vol. 31 Dec 1873 - Dec 1874 Vol. 65 Aug 1893 - Jun 1894 Vol. 32 Jan 1875 - Sep 1876 Vol. 66 Jul 1894 - Oct 1895 Vol. 33 Oct 1876 - Sep 1878 Vol. 67 Nov 1895 - Jun 1897 Vol. 34 Oct 1878 - Dec 1879

Saturday, October 19, 2019

What do you understand by the term organisational climate What effect Essay

What do you understand by the term organisational climate What effect does this climate have on an organisational performance - Essay Example With the increase in competition and frequent changes in the external environment, organizations round the globe are to build up a healthy organizational climate to attract, motivate and retain the human resources; because the organizations round the globe have started to understand the fact that human resource of a company is the biggest asset. Organizational climate is actually a reflection of the organizational culture and hence organizational climate tends to have major impact on the overall performance of an organization. In order to describe the impact of organizational climate on the overall organizational culture a multiple case study approach would be used in this study. One of the companies chosen would the digital giant Google and another company would be the company which signified sound and melody through its products-HMV. In order to analyze the impact of organizational climate on organizational performance various motivational and business theories has been used over the course of study. From the humble beginnings in 1998 in a small garage Google Inc has become one of the largest companies in the world. One of the major keys to the success of the company has been the organizational climate. ... Google also does not believe in creating large organizational groups. Rather the company focuses on creating small groups consisting of some self driven individuals. Such groups are usually monitored by project managers. One of the most unique organizational cultures of Google happens to be one individual can change group and move to another group without even consulting he superiors (Buelens, Sinding, Waldstrom, Krietner and Kinicki, 2011, p.223). The above information can be analyzed by using the Douglas Mc-Gregory’s X and Y theory of motivation. The X theory advocates that employees are lazy and avoid responsibility; hence the employees need to be constantly threatened and monitored to get the job done. On the contrary Theory Y believed that employees are self reliable and if given the proper opportunity and environment employees would practice self responsibility and hence very little monitoring is needed. Based in the above information it can be easily seen that Google fo llows theory Y. The management and the leadership show trust on the employees and this instils confidence in the employees resulting in overall improvement of the organizational performance (Mullins, 2010, p. 331). The management team of Google believes in providing best possible benefits to the employees. Also the company seeks to get rid of any probable things which may cause hindrance in the performance of individuals and the organization. For example the management of the company provides top class facilities in the form of laundry services, gym, community buses, car washes etc. One Schmitt, the present CEO was found quoting that the employees would love to work; but it is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Data Collection and Funding for Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Data Collection and Funding for - Research Paper Example sampling will be stratified. The number of patients will be differentiated into different categories because this can enhance the focus on certain percentage of people who can show higher probability of lower medication errors. Medical cards and day-today reports can also be used as an effective tool to identify hypothesis readily. The reason behind using this tool is because it allows gaining valuable data within very short span of time. Considering the case of SSC and CMT in lowered medication error, this manner of data collection is likely to be proven as effective. There can be limitations underlying with the process because there are less instances of people making use of CMT (Green, 2010). It should also be noted that the above mentioned tools are basically provided by a medical institution as per consent granted by patient’s family or patient and organization. These medical records are highly sensitive and cannot be claimed without consent and copyrighted documentation for its utilization in the research work. As a matter of fact, the researcher shall approach the authorities and write application forms for the families as well as the administration of the medical organization. This will surely take some time for clearance but once the consent is received then it will be easier to carry on with the research work i.e. data analysis. There could be a number of health care institutions that can be approached considering the significance of the research. It is surely the need of research regarding SSC and CMT relationship in having increased number of awareness of communicable diseases. Other than medical institutions that are involved in the contribution of innovation and assessment of medical phenomenon, there are various committees that provide research funding. These funding institutions serve the goal of evaluating lack of literature (Dupin & Chupin, 2013). In particular, organizations that are basically involved

Organization Chart Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organization Chart - Assignment Example This level also include the general manager. The design of Chicago Bulls organizational structure is a typical functional structure. According to Pedersen et al (2011), a functional structure is organized on the basis of roles and responsibilities. As elucidated by Pedersen et-al (2011), a functional structure analogous to Chicago Bulls structure has high levels of specialization. In other words, each unit or department has its own distinct role. From the Chicago Bulls organizational structure, it is evident that the organizational has adopted a centralized system whereby control managers and staff are allowed to make specific decisions on their own. Operations are also standardized, and the number of processes varies within departments. Specialization and centralization of control is imperative as ability to concentrate on specific functions and ability to make key decisions promotes innovativeness. In a nutshell, a functional organizational structure categorizes processes based on functions, roles, and

Case analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis - Case Study Example As of now, at the second level, no forms of registration limitations exist for .co domains, which take their parent entity from What this means is that any individual or company at all can get registered unto a .co domain. Internet and website pundits such as Alexa classify to generally fall under web portals (Management Study Guide, 2012). For the purpose of the present case study therefore, the company, will be analyzed as a separate and independent company from the ccTLD category but pushed into the wider web portal category as key competitors seem to be springing up quickly on a daily basis in that broader industry scope as a web portal. Industry Analysis Major International Competitors .com Countries: USA, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Italy, Romania Type of Company: Common Stock 30 Day Average Volume: 3,607,911 Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC): Yes Yahoo Country: Germany, Japan, USA, Mexico, Italy Type of Company: Common Stock and ADR 30 Day Avera ge Volume: 23,252,490 DNSSEC: Yes AOL Countries: Germany, USA Type of Company: Common Stock Shares outstanding: 93.97 DNSSEC: No Baidu Country: Singapore, Germany, Mexico, USA Type of Company: Common Stock 30 Day average Volume: 4,581,215 DNSSEC: No .uk Country: UK, Germany Type of Company: Common Stock Shares outstanding: 2.32 DNSSEC: Yes GO.CO Country: France Type of Company: Common Stock Shares outstanding: 1.34 DNSSEC: Yes Xing Countries: Germany, UK Type of Company: Common Stock 30 Day Average Volume: 548 DNSSEC: No Source: Bloomberg (2012) GO.CO is comfortably treated as part of the web portal competitive industry because of the line of business and area of web operation under taken by .CO and the other web portals. In a typical scenario, almost all of these companies provide search engine and online sale services and so can all come under the same umbrella in a comfortable manner (Quick, 2009). From the table, there are two major competitors identified for if the compa ny wants to position itself at a point where it would gain its accolade as an international force in the web portal industry. These companies or competitors are .com and .uk. Already, .com is ranked as the number most popular internet TLD by Alexa, whiles the same source ranks .uk as number two (Roberts, 2009). From the table, which presents the 30 Day Average Volume and shares outstanding, not much can be said to refute this fact. Strategic Analysis Models SWOT Analysis Strengths A globally strong parent company, GO.CO and other major TLD, which is the .com domain. Multi-operational web system and function Reduced capital intensive growth path as a result of existing franchise model Brand equity, which creates a competitive edge. Weaknesses Inability to rise as a third force in the global web portal industry Over dependence on franchise ownership by other subsidiaries of its parent company Static innovative growth to match modern trends of web browsing. Opportunities Ever growing n eed among internet users for search engines and other web portals Ever growing population of internet users (Quick, 2009) Growing affordability of companies to promote internet use (Vancouver, 2006) Threats Rapid growth of smaller competitors such as AOL and Xing as competitive web portals. Global economic rebasing (Garderner, 2006) Larger competitors entering into further alliances for growth. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis Intensity of Competitive Rivalry Very High The revenue turnover of the key competitor namely Yahoo, and that of the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Case Study (Human-Resource-Development) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

(Human-Resource-Development) - Case Study Example The employees must be sent for the training in batches of forty persons per batch. Each batch will last one week. On the first day, the training will begin with the trainer explaining what Kaizen is all about. Then the group will spend some time introducing each other. There will not be more than three sessions per day. In the beginning, the sessions must be used to impart information about the present status of the company. Gradually, the trainees will be told about what the company intends to do to bring about a turnaround and what is expected from each employee to bring about the progress. The sessions must be interspersed with lively but lesson producing games to highlight the importance of performing as a team and the role of each member in the team. Under improving efficiency, all the functions including company goals, means of achieving these goals, delegation of responsibilities, and rewards/penalties for outstanding performance/below average performance will be covered. Customer satisfaction is achieved by understanding the customer's problems and difficulties and solving them promptly. Sometimes there will be the need to coordinate with different people and departments in order to address customer's concerns. All these must be wrapped up within the working day. The learning objectives for achievement of target rest with each indi... The learning objectives for achievement of target rest with each individual employee doing his job qualitatively and quantitatively. There must be special focus on improving as an individual employee and also as a team. This is achieved by encouraging innovations and open communication. For each group of employees that will need training, what are the organizational constraints that need to be addressed in the design of the training What design features should be used to address these constraints Be sure to address both the learning and transfer of training issues. The organizational constraints are issues that come in the way of achieving targets. These are issues like loss of man-days, absenteeism, communication problems, and ego problems. They can also be constraining issues the company is forced to follow due to its own policies or policies/statutory requirements enforced by law. These can be explained to the employees in one of the training sessions. To begin, each trainee must diligently attend each session. The trainees must actively participate in the discussions and games. Case 2 - Strategic Planning at Multistate Health Corporation (MHC) In the implementation of the HRPS, what groups of employees are likely to need training Think of this from a training design perspective and from a training content perspective. The senior level management and everyone else below need training. MHC's present management status is a disaster. The rot begins at the top. The training to stem the rot and bring about transformation must also begin at the topmost level. The training for the middle level management and the management and staff below the middle level can be addressed as a matter of course. For the type of training you envision for each group, what are the

Describe urban blight Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Describe urban blight - Essay Example The main reason which can be identified for the phenomenon of urban blight includes the neglect from the respective governments of the particular region. Lack of economic support towards the proper maintenance of the areas can also result in the deterioration of the older buildings and portions of the cities. Effects of urban blight can be of high significance. Urban Blight has the possibility of causing hazard to other buildings and also is threatening for the lives of human beings. The buildings in the city with poor conditions are very much prone to fire and also have the high probability of collapsing down at any times which may cause considerable damage to the society. (What is urban blight, n. d). Another significant cause of urban blight can refer to the process of urban renewal scheme, where the government focuses on the development of the cities in areas near to the highways. As a result of such projects they fail to concentrate on the older parts of the city which leads to their deterioration. The increase in tax in The United states property improvement gave rise to the urban Blight in the area. (Soares, et al, p.675, 2011) Shanty town refers to the settlement of people in slums. The presence of shanty town is mostly observed in the developing and the partially developed nations where unequal distribution of wealth prevails. The people in shanty town lead a treacherous life and their primary needs are often not fulfilled. They lack a proper shelter as their dwellings are made up of scrap materials which may collapse easily under any sort of environmental calamity. People living in shanty town lack proper sanitation facility and leads an unhygienic lifestyle (Clark, 2003, p.122). The slums in which they live are generally one room and are shared by many people who make it clumsy and suffocating. There is no facility of electricity in the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Case Study (Human-Resource-Development) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

(Human-Resource-Development) - Case Study Example The employees must be sent for the training in batches of forty persons per batch. Each batch will last one week. On the first day, the training will begin with the trainer explaining what Kaizen is all about. Then the group will spend some time introducing each other. There will not be more than three sessions per day. In the beginning, the sessions must be used to impart information about the present status of the company. Gradually, the trainees will be told about what the company intends to do to bring about a turnaround and what is expected from each employee to bring about the progress. The sessions must be interspersed with lively but lesson producing games to highlight the importance of performing as a team and the role of each member in the team. Under improving efficiency, all the functions including company goals, means of achieving these goals, delegation of responsibilities, and rewards/penalties for outstanding performance/below average performance will be covered. Customer satisfaction is achieved by understanding the customer's problems and difficulties and solving them promptly. Sometimes there will be the need to coordinate with different people and departments in order to address customer's concerns. All these must be wrapped up within the working day. The learning objectives for achievement of target rest with each indi... The learning objectives for achievement of target rest with each individual employee doing his job qualitatively and quantitatively. There must be special focus on improving as an individual employee and also as a team. This is achieved by encouraging innovations and open communication. For each group of employees that will need training, what are the organizational constraints that need to be addressed in the design of the training What design features should be used to address these constraints Be sure to address both the learning and transfer of training issues. The organizational constraints are issues that come in the way of achieving targets. These are issues like loss of man-days, absenteeism, communication problems, and ego problems. They can also be constraining issues the company is forced to follow due to its own policies or policies/statutory requirements enforced by law. These can be explained to the employees in one of the training sessions. To begin, each trainee must diligently attend each session. The trainees must actively participate in the discussions and games. Case 2 - Strategic Planning at Multistate Health Corporation (MHC) In the implementation of the HRPS, what groups of employees are likely to need training Think of this from a training design perspective and from a training content perspective. The senior level management and everyone else below need training. MHC's present management status is a disaster. The rot begins at the top. The training to stem the rot and bring about transformation must also begin at the topmost level. The training for the middle level management and the management and staff below the middle level can be addressed as a matter of course. For the type of training you envision for each group, what are the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

International Accounting Standards Master Essay

International Accounting Standards Master - Essay Example The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) replaced the IASC which had stopped operations in April, 2001(Schioppa,2004). The new replacement board concentrated its efforts developing the International Financial Reporting Standards starting in the year 2001. Furthermore, the International Accounting Standards Board in London is a privately-funded and independent accounting standard-setter that headquartered in London, United Kingdom(Buthe,2005). They say that accounting is an art. Meaning, any accounting data can be written in whatever style the bookkeeper or accountant wants provided information is understood. In summary, the International Accounting Standards (IASs) had been issued by the IASC from 1973 to 2000. Also, the International Accounting Standards Board had been replaced by the International Accounting Standards Council in 2001. Since then, the IASB has amended some IASs, it had inclusively proposed to amend other IASs, it had proposed to replace some IASs with new International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), and had adopted or even proposed certain new IFRSs on topics for which there was no previous IAS. With the help of their separate committees, both the IASC and the IASB had issued Interpretations of Standards. Finally, the financial statements must comply with all of the requirements of each applicable standard and each applicable interpretation to be described as complying with IFRSs. C) International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) in relation to International Accounting StandardsIn terms of interpreting the international accounting standards, the International Accounting Standards Board has replaced the IASC's Standing Interpretations Committee (SIC) with the the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC). The replacement took place in the year 2001. This committee is mandated to reviews or not. on a regular basis inside the context of current International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and the IASB Framework, all accounting issues that will likely receive differing or unacceptable treatment in the non- appearance of authoritative guidance. Its view is to reach consensus on the appropriate accounting treatment. When developing its interpretations of financial accounting theory, the IFRIC gets feedback as it works hand in hand with similar national committees from many countries in the world. The IFRIC makes technical decisions that are taken at sessions where the public is invited to observe. The bottom line here is that the international accounting standards must be distributed and explained to all countries in the world for understandability and speed(Buthe,2005) As a result of the virorous efforts of The three accounting bodies above, the existing procedure for setting international accounting standards is now well established. Since accounting is the language of business, then international accounting standards insures that more nations understand each other when scrutinizing the balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flows. II. Why is the development of International

Monday, October 14, 2019

Why Plan Human Resources Carters Supermarkets Business Essay

Why Plan Human Resources Carters Supermarkets Business Essay Considering the plan of an expansion of Carters Supermarkets, and the fact that the company will have to deal with greater number of staff, we, Alex and Jennifer Carter, intend to highlight the importance and to put forward our ideas about human resource planning and human resource policies in our organisation. Why to plan human resources? Since our organisation is at a stage of business expansion through opening 3 new supermarkets, four times bigger than existing ones, and with new specialist departments, it is obvious that we have a demand for new staff to meet the organisations objectives. Therefore, human resource planning (HRP) will help us to analyse and identify how many new people we require, when we need them, what range of skills we expect them to have, are these people available on the labour market or we need to train them to achieve our objectives. HRP will also look at such aspects as competition, impact of the location of our future supermarkets; audit of current workforce, and use this information to fit with companys goals. If we do not consider human resource planning, our business may consequently suffer as We may not create any new customers, We may lose faith of our existing ones by delivering unprofessional, poor service in our new departments; We risk to recruit wrong people; We may hire wrong number of people and affect our labour budgets. These factors will severely affect our business and we may, at the end, give up our position to our competitors. What will be the workforce requirements for each supermarket? The following measures will help us to identify the workforce requirements (Martin, 2009) We need to convert our business plans into future labour requirements. This means, we need to break down projected labour according to their functions in a supermarket, their different categories, skills and knowledge they will need. We need to create a profile of the existing workforce, which means we need to assess the number of the existing staff and their suitability for the future job positions. These measures will enable us to identify how many new people of which categories we will need to recruit for which positions, and what skills and knowledge they will have to possess. Coming to our project of expansion, we will take the following step-by-step approach to identify our workforce requirements: What is our objective? To open 3 new supermarkets four times larger than existing ones. Where will they be located? One in Tooting; One in Clapham Junction; One in Putney. What products will each supermarket offer? Dairy products Fruits Vegetables Canned and packaged products Household products Soft drinks section Frozen food section New departments: Fresh meat counter Fresh seafood counter Bakery What will be supermarkets opening hours? 8am to 10pm. How many people do we need? The staff will work in two shifts: 8 a.m. 3 p.m., and 3 p.m. 10 p.m. On each shift we would consider to have: 1 Butcher 1 Fishmonger 2 people to fill up shelves (one of which will also check out customers in busy times, or if the cashier needs five minutes break); 1 Cashier 2 people in the bakery Supervisor (who will be in charge for other shops as well). Total number of staff per shift: +8. What are the requirements for each category of staff? Requirements Qualities Butcher Fishmonger: Good knowledge of the products they sell (names, characteristics of the meat, etc.); Knowledge of different recipes and methods of cooking of meat; Good communication skills; Previous experience is preferable. Passionate about their jobs; Friendly; Able to show own initiative (by suggesting to customers different ways of cooking, for example); Confident. Cashier: (also the person who will look after shelves and assist customers) Knowledge of basic arithmetic; Skill in handling cash; Good communication skills; No previous experience required. Friendly; Helpful; Trustworthy; Thorough (able to rotate the products according to their shelf-life); Able to handle difficult situations. Baker: Prior work experience required. Passionate about their job; Able to work under pressure. Supervisor: Ability to manage team; Knowledge of marketing; Ability to coordinate orders and deliveries; Good eye for detail; Accountability for stock; Prior experience required. Passionate and dedicated; Friendly and approachable; Responsible; Multitask; Confident. What is our existing workforce profile? We have currently two existing shops with the total number of staff of 5 people, from which 3 sales persons (rotating between two shops Catherina Pacetti, Victoria Smith and Rashid Malik), 1 person in charge for stocks and deliveries for both shops (Alex Carter), and Jennifer Carter, responsible for all paper works. How will we plan our human resources? The diagram in the Appendix represents our suggested plan for staffing: Catherina, Victoria and Rashid will be transferred to new sites as Head Sales Assistants. Each will train other 2 newly-hired people for Sales person/Cashier positions. 2 new experienced sales staff will be recruited for our existing shops. We have to recruit 6 experienced Fishmongers and 6 Butchers for our new sites, as well as 2 Bakers for each of new supermarkets. As the volume of work will increase, Alex and Jennifer will need assistants. Therefore, we have the demand for 1 person to assist Jennifer in the office, and 1 Supervisor in charge of our existing shops, who will report to Alex Carter, Head Manager/Supervisor. Total number of staff to recruit: 28, of which 1 Assistant for Jennifer 1 Supervisor to report to Alex Carter 6 Butchers 6 Fishmongers 6 Bakers 8 Sales/Cashier people. How human resource planning will contribute to organisations objectives? Provided that we: Regard people as a source of competitive advantage Plan human resources carefully Recruit right people for the right positions Give necessary training to our staff Respect the needs of our employees and treat them fairly Appraise their contribution by giving feedback or reward We can achieve a healthy organisational culture. This strategy will ensure that our employees are satisfied about their jobs, provide high quality customer service, are committed and motivated to achieve our organisational targets. Overall, our human resource planning strategy will contribute to our companys objectives for becoming a strong competitor for other grocery supermarkets, and thriving by making good profits. Why should we have human resource policies in our organisation? We should have HR policies for the following reasons: It would show the compliance of our organisation with law; A clear relationship between our organisation and our employees would be established; Employees would know their rights and what to expect from us; There would be a solid base for all employees to be treated equally; A distinction between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour would be drawn; All procedures and processes of employment would be clearly defined; HR policies would create our organisational culture: such policies as recruitment, retention, pay, holidays, reward, would show how we value our employees; If we have HR policies, we will be prepared to take actions if some difficult situations arise, and resolve problems according to the legislation. All the above create a legal framework within which Human Resource operates and develops a good practice. What will be the impact of employment legislation on human resource policies in our organisation? When designing our organisations HR policies, we need to take account of the existing law and employment regulations that apply to us. Different aspects of HRM, such as employment rights and responsibilities, contractual term and conditions, data protection, pay, health and safety, discrimination issues, are already covered by the legislation. Thus, we need to design HR policies that would meet our organisations objectives and reflect existing human resources laws. The following are the examples of regulations, which our HR policies and procedures will be based upon: Employment Right Act 1996 Health and safety at Work Act 1974 National Minimum Wage Act 1998 Sex Discrimination Act 1975 The Race Relations Act 1976, and others. These primary legislation documents will help us to shape our HRM policies and practices such as Recruitment strategy and practice, selection techniques, retention; Pay and benefits (pay systems, holidays, pension arrangements, sickness and sick pay, maternity rights and benefits); Equal opportunities (sex, race, disability discriminations); Training and development (induction and mandatory training, appraisal and performance management); Employee relations (disciplinary, grievance and dispute procedures); Redundancy and reorganisation (handling redundancies, reorganisation and managing internal change); Health and safety and risk management (the enforcement and management of health and safety at work). CONCLUSION To conclude, if we are to expand our business even further, satisfy our customers needs and make good profits, we have to practice strategic human resource planning and implement HR policies and systems. We believe this will enable us to have right, dedicated and motivated employees that will provide excellent customer service and contribute to meeting our companys overall objectives.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

dracula summary Essay -- essays research papers

Chapters 13-15 Summary John Seward's diary continues the story, describing how Lucy Westenra and her mother are buried together. Before the funeral, Van Helsing covers the coffin and body with garlic and places a crucifix in Lucy's mouth. He tells a confused Seward that, after the funeral, they must cut off the corpse's head and stuff her mouth with garlic. The next day, however, Van Helsing learns that someone has stolen the crucifix from the body, and he tells Seward that they have to wait before doing anything. Arthur Holmwood (Lord Godalming since his father's death) is heartbroken and turns to Seward for consolation. Looking at Lucy's corpse, he cannot believe that she is really dead. Van Helsing asks Arthur for Lucy's personal papers, hoping that they will give some clue as to the cause of her death. Meanwhile, Mina Murray's diary describes how she and Jonathan Harker are together in London when he sees a tall, fierce man with a black mustache and beard. Jonathan is convinced that it is Count Dracula, grown young and come to England, but he becomes so upset that he slips into a sleep and remembers nothing when he wakes. Mina decides that she must read his Transylvanian diary, for the sake of his health. That night, a telegram informs Mina of Lucy's death. An excerpt from a local paper follows, describing how a number of children have been temporarily abducted in Hampstead Heath (the area where Lucy was buried) by a strange woman whom the children call "the Bloof...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The importance of Effective Communication in Health-Care Essay

Language barriers have been one of the identified causes of many health problems, including timely and appropriate care, exacerbating existing conditions, and precipitating new ones. In addition to culturally appropriate education, interpreting is one of the approaches commonly used to help bridge the language gap for patients and practitioners. Interpreters are bilingual individuals that provide simultaneous interpretation between patients and medical care providers who do not share a common language (Finke, Light, & Kitko, 2008). This finding suggests that a good relationship is essential for high-quality patient care. (Finke et al., 2008) use qualitative evidence from interviews with medical interpreters, and argue that an interdisciplinary team is oriented in just one direction to care for patients, and bring them to their ultimate level of functioning. Certainly, all of the observations provided by this journal reaffirmed how understanding the basic principles of communicati on should be a paramount skill of any nurse. However, many barriers can disrupt therapeutic communication, and comprehensive assessment is necessary in order to determine the culture, religion, education background, and socioeconomic status of the patient (Finke et al., 2008) Patient centered communication empower nurses with the necessary skills to identify what patients are experiencing and place them in a better position to be empathetic. Meanwhile, creating a better health care experience for the patient and a more gratifying and meaningful career for the nurse (Finke et al., 2008). It is also more likely to effectively encourage patients to be active partners in planning and managing their own care. It is significant for medical care provider... ...5. LaValley, D (2008) Physician- Nurse Collaboration and patient safety. Crico RMF Vol. 26/No. 2 Lee Flicek Cassandra (2012) Communication: A Dynamic Between Nurses and Physicians. Vol. 21/No. 6 McCaffrey, R.G., Hayes, R., Stuart, W., Cassell, A., Farrell, C. & Miller-Reyes C. 2010. A Program to Improve Communication and Collaboration Between Nurses and Medical Residents. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing  · Vol 41, No 4. Retrieve from: Patak, L., Wilson-Stronks, A., Costello, J., Keleinpell, R. M., Henneman, E. A., Pearson, C. & Happ, M. B. (2009). Improving Patient-Provider Communication. A Call to Action. Volume 39, Number 9, pp 372-376. Williams, M. V., Davis, T., Parker, R. M., & Weiss, B. D. (2002). The role of health literacy in patient-physician communication. FAMILY MEDICINE-KANSAS CITY-, 34(5), 383-389.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Business Communication Questionnaire Essay

Using information from your text book, class discussions and your knowledge and experience, answer the following ten questions (in about 50 – 100 words each). Submit your answers that includes the original question in a word document (not hand written). 1. What are the main challenges facing business communicators today? I feel that main challenges facing business communicators today would be listening. I feel it’s very difficult for managers to adjust this skill. Due to the fact of all the pressures of keeping success in the business, there may not be time to sit and listen to the needs of the employees and the customers. Without taking the time to listen and finding a way to understand others point of view, managerial staff may never understand or be aware of the needs and wants an employee might have, which could cause a few problems in the work area. 2. List five trends in the workplace that affect business communicators? How might they affect you in your career? Email made it faster and easier for people to swap words and data, could also be a bad issue due to increasing amount of spam. Another would be shared work space. Many people like their bubble and don’t want people to be crammed in next to Joe the annoying guy. Dress Code would be another. Sometimes people can offend others but what they wear which could cost you your job. Video conferencing would be a bonus because you could be across the world as an owner and still be able to attend meetings. Listening is a great trend. People need to develop great listening skills to move forward in their career. 3. Name five unprofessional communication techniques that can sabotage a career. Speech habits such as using â€Å"like† all the time, or relying on slang. An email is another, not writing in complete sentences or using misspelled words. Spell check is on everything and everyone should use it. One should also not have an inappropriate email address such as â€Å"†. Voice mails would be another technique that a person should be aware of. You don’t want any loud music or annoying people in the back ground of your voice mail. You also should bad mouth another employee. You never know who that person you’re talking to might go run and tell and possibly mix up the story or tell the wrong person. Another would be text messaging many times people can’t tell the tone in which you send a text and it might come across offensive. 4. List five suggestions for enhancing comprehension when you are talking with people for whom English is a second language. Context, individualism, formality, communication style and time oriented. It is important that when talking with people whose main language is not English to be patient with them. It’s not easy for them to understand all the different ways we put our words into context one thing to us might mean another to them. Speak to them as if you were in their country and you only spoke a few words of their language 5. What factors are important in selecting an appropriate channel to deliver a message? Many conversations in business are one on one but it is important to know how to be comfortable with speaking in front of large groups. Also one must be aware of anything that could disrupt a transmission also known as noise. An example would be a PowerPoint slide that doesn’t show up properly, or has misspelled words. Same goes for a telephone call, a lot of business people rely on speaker phone and the other person speaking might not realize they are on it and bad mouth someone. 6. How does profiling the audience help a business communicator prepare a message? By Profiling your audience before you prepare a message you can identify the appropriate tone, language and channel for your audience. It doesn’t matter how long or short your message is you want to make sure you target the audience’s interests. Most of the readers or listeners will be thinking about what’s in it for me so you must target them to keep them interested. 7. Why is conciseness especially important in business? Writing concisely means to eliminate words that aren’t necessary because they don’t add anything to the meaning of a sentence. Long drawn out letters in business wastes readers’ time and energy, this can irritate rather than aid readers in what they are reading and potentially make them look elsewhere. 8. How is business writing different from academic writing? Writing for business and academics are both very important skills to know. They either can bring you up in your career or hold you back. I feel that business writing is a little more difficult because you’re not sure how the reader is going to feel about your product or service. Whereas an academic paper such as a research paper you have all the resources you need and are not trying to sell yourself to a potential customer. 9. Describe the â€Å"You-View† approach. The â€Å"you-view† approach when writing a message is adding in words that emphasize second-person pronouns such as you and your instead of first-person pronouns like I’ve or ours. Having a â€Å"you† gives the receiver a more personal message specifically made for them. It could also give complements and gratitude for their business. 10. Describe the key steps in a writing process. Determine the purpose and select an appropriate channel. You must think your message thoroughly before you begin writing the message. Then you must envision your audience and understand who your audience will make it easier to share the message with. After that you must construct a message that is directed to the audience’s needs and concerns, make it about what they want to hear and gain knowledge from. Organize your message would be the next step making sure that your message is concise and well written. Construct a first draft by writing out all your ideas and start with a rough draft. And lastly Revise and proof read to make sure there are no errors and that all your facts are correct.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Work With Parents to Meet their Children’s Needs

Work with parents to meet their children’s needs Explain changes which parenthood makes to the lives of parents. Before a child is even born the parents are adapting theirs lives getting ready for it to change into something they can only imagine what it will be like. A process of bonding is their when the child is born, imagining what it would be like to hitting reality of what parenthood is like. Parents have to care for a child in so many ways, teaching them different things and being that role model to live their life good like they have.When a child is able to talk then the parenthood changes again and adapts in other ways from what they have when the child was born. They are faced with questions about their priorities, about how much time they should give to the baby, and how much time to devote to other aspects of life. Parents face all kinds of authority and rules what should be sett for children and learning to make that decision if it is broken.Parents can imagine ho w they could be towards their child, not getting angry or annoyed during different times, setting boundaries and making an image of what they be like when in fact it changes at each stage of child development. As they grow older parents may start to evaluate how they have been in the past, especially due to a child’s behaviour. Changing and figuring out how they want to interpret and answer their children’s questions. Showing what type of knowledge and skills they may have. They compare themselves to other parents, teachers and child care staff to see if they are doing right or wrong or agreeing weather they do it right.The older the child gets the more they realise their child is not them. Parents have to decide when to say yes and when to say no, pressurised into buying them things this happens throughout the ages especially when they are younger. Parents are pressurised into buying children almost anything because they think if they do not do so and make them fit in like everyone else they then label themselves as bad parents which is not the case. They are the decision maker of the child up until their old enough to make them there selves which is another point of pressure for them as the child gets older.Parents lead by example, they can change as much as a child will change but they will only change because their leader has. A child grows all the time and throughout parenthood it changes each day, feeding out of a bottle to eating adult’s meals or nappies to pants. Parenthood is a learning curve to each parent and they are changing all the time to meet the needs of a child. Children enjoy being like everyone else, if someone has a toy they like they automatically need that toy or if someone has a new gadget they have to try then want want want.Some children see it as an offence not to get what they want there and then and this cause’s arguments, crying, behaviour problems, and friction in the relationship. Social networks are a point of call where the parent makes a big decision on letting them use it or not, if they don’t will they go ahead anyway and get into trouble if they don’t know about it or if they let them what happens if bulling happens. Social networking is a rather dangerous place to go and for a parent it’s even scarier because it’s letting the protection of them go a little when they are using the internet of social network sites.Children need their independence and will take pleasure in having this authority but the parent needs to trust their children and loose control a little but also watch them on what they are doing and visualising. Children change through the years of being a child but parents also get older and things start to change depending on the ages of parents some get a lot older and not as clued up as others as to what children get up to in the new generation and some do not let any of them out of their site but as children grow older they become more independent and form new relationships, friendships and move to higher education.From a young age children are left under the care of another adult other than the parent such as play days, nurseries, parties and so many more places, trusting those in their care to look after their child safely and properly is a huge issue parents face every day, as they grow older they are left at primary school, secondary school, college and university then they are left in there own care when they are old enough just because a child has grown into an adult does not mean a parent will change there way of thinking or caring for them if anything it will grow stronger after the years of creating the relationship you have with a child.As children grow older and mix more with other aged children it becomes a worry for parents to know if their child is being bullied at school or college, handling and dealing with the issue is a stressful time because they have to be adult about it and deal with it in a responsible manor.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Are Females Better Students Than Males Essay

Sajetha: As a whole, females do better than males in school. Am I saying that the individual female will always do better than the individual male? No. There are of course males who perform academically better than girls in school. However, speaking from a male’s point of view, female academic performance is higher than male academic performance. A simple Google search will also attest to this fact. Amy: Males are simply smarter. Thousands of years of male dominance must have meant something. Why would males be considered dominant by history? Because its a fact that was always proven. Males are born smarter, although they have a lot of sexual desires. Yeeting: The time has change. Come on. We might think that boys are good at everything†¦ And that is wrong. Most of the scientist might be boys, but what about Barbara McClintock-the one that found out that DNA and Irine Joliot-Curie-the one that found nuclear. I have to admit that girls are also better. Tvya: No gender is better than the other. Even if women generally test better than males, you can’t say that one gender is better at school than the other. It doesn’t matter what is in between a student’s legs as much as what is in between their ears. Society molds boys and girls into acting a certain way rather than the opposite. Sajetha: Girls are more dedicated. Girls have a tendency to dedicate more time and energies to their studies than boys. Girls typically set a schedule for studying that rarely is interrupted. This consistency ensures that studying will occur on a set and regular basis. Amy: No, females and males are equal students. Females are no better or worse students than males. Both genders have their pros and cons in terms of being a student, but more importantly, how great a student is is up to the individual. It’s really impossible to say if any one gender is better than  the other. They’re both equal. Yeeting: Intelligent, powerful and smart. Girls are more intelligent, discipline and matured than boys. Now a days in most of the universities girls are in the top of the list.What do you say? But boys think that they are more creative and intelligent. Tvya: Females are NOT better than Boys. Most people will tell you that girls are smarter than boys. A study by Dr. Paul Irving and Dr. Richard Lynn, states that the opposite is true. Despite the fact that girls get slightly better grades, males on average have a higher IQ than girls by about 5 points. The grades are merely a product of an educational system geared towards females. Sajetha: I’am a boy. Being a boy I will support girls as it is universal truth that girls are better students. I accept boys have stupid and nasty thoughts. Girls have a kind of discipline in them and they maintain it. Girls follow what the teacher say in class and boys usually do opposite. Only a few examples can be seen that boys seems to be better ones but other boys use to call them bookworms. But girls don’t do. Amy: No I do not believe this. This doesn’t mean that one is better than the other, this simply means that each excel in their own way. As for successful males versus females, it hasn’t been proven that females have more success in the future or that they are smarter. Yeeting: Yes they are Because girls are more mature than boys and they focus better and they get in trouble way more than boys. Also the female gender starts to mature a year or two earlier than the male gender so that’s why i think girls make better students than boys. Tvya: If females were better students than males why would males always be dominant. To choose a governor for your place country you would choose someone wise which shows men are better students than males because they are mostly the ones in power and to be in power you have to be a good student Sajetha: Females are always better student than the male. I am totally agree with this statement. That’s why they got the chance to study in old time and there was no chance of study of girls. Their family members think that this is not good to send females to school but females proof this that they are good they have right to study even they are better than the males in our classes. Amy: Are female students better or are males I think that males can be better than females in studies because if you see, that most of the best students in the world are males. Many people think that females are better in studies because it is a natural fact. This does not mean that males are not as good as females in a studious environment Yeeting: Of course! There is no doubt that the girls are superior than boys in every aspect. I think that the girls have more moral values than the guys. Girls make world but the boys just destroy it. By the way I KNOW that there is no need to explain the importance of girls because we all know that our world cannot run without them. Tvya: I say no they are the same. Each student are the same. Some can do good on day and the other can do bad. You cant chose which is better because at the end of it they are all just the same. I think that pupils shouldn’t be judged by the way they do their work we should just let them be them. Sajetha: Yes there are Because I said so. They are better because at school we are doing a debate on who are better students. And my group got girls are better students. So I did some research and I went on this website and I see that 6% more voted for boys than girls so I said girls are so it would be only 3% and then it told I have to write something if I brought it up a % so I wrote this. Amy: Definitely not — .. Affirmative action for females, a system designed for female learning patterns. As students are females better? No! But in current conditions, maybe. This is a very poor excuse to preach female  superiority, whereas if anything even hinting to superiority of males is taken with little seriousness and is seen as blatant sexism, double standards. Yeeting: I think that females are better at school Because as my school we got to go to a baseball game if you got straight a’s in all subjects there were like 15 people invited and only 1 guy got invited. So that why I think that girls are usually better students than guys but that’s at my school your school may be different. Tvya: I totally Disagree. I believe everyone’s equal . We are all born with the same brain capacity . We choose to study or not to study , women choose to study but it does not point a finger that they are smarter . We are the one’s that have control over ourselves . No one was born stupid!

The Future of Retail Sector in UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Future of Retail Sector in UK - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that retailing includes all the activities involved in selling products or services directly to the final consumers for their personal, non-business use. Many institutions are the retailer but in recent years non-store retailing has been growing faster than the store retailing. That means non-store retailing includes selling to final consumers through direct mail, catalogs, telephone, internet, TV home shopping shows, home & office parties, door-to-door contact, vending machines & other direct selling approaches. Retailing is one of the major economic sectors of UK as retail sales of about 22l billion, about 3 million people are employed here and about 300,000 shops are on an operation. At both the business and the store level the scale of polarization is noticed. There are huge retailers & the existence of multinational businesses those are dominating the sector in the country. Retail stores come in all shapes & sizes, & new retail types kee p emerging. Thus they can be classified in terms of the amount of offered service, the breadth & depth of the product lines, the relative prices that are charged, & the organization module. Retailers operate in a harsh & fast changing environment which offers threats as well as opportunities, to become successful, retailers will have to choose target segments carefully & position themselves strongly. In this view, the airlines business of UK is one of the best examples of the retail sector. It is more competitive today than ever before, it serves consumers more choice as well as cheaper fares than before. There is no surprise that the number of passengers of UK airports is continuously increasing, from 70 million in 2000, 86 million have been flown in 2004. Retailers are always searching for new market strategies to attract & hold customers. Service differentiation has also eroded. Retailers first decide their target markets & then decide how they will position themselves in this ma rket. The product assortment should differentiate the retailer while matching target shoppers expectation. Then the price policy must fit its target market & positioning, service assortment & competition. After, to use one or all-promotional tools - advertising, selling, sales promotion, & direct marketing are required to reach to the customers. Place decision points to three critical factors in retailing success: location, location & location. The environmental analysis should be a continuous flow of planning aspect.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Land Law Contentious Situations Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Land Law Contentious Situations - Case Study Example The best course of action is to have the sellers remove the rubbish. This will enable the company to begin operating with a clean slate. The rubbish must be coming in the way of cleaning up the premises. It has to go and the sooner it is gotten rid of the better. In case the seller obliges the buyers and gets rid of the rubbish, it is fine. In case the seller prevaricates or even declines to oblige the buyers, then the buyers have little option other than taking legal action or clear the rubbish themselves. In the instructions, there is no mention of the conditions under with the land was purchased. In the absence of the conditions under which the property was purchased it is not possible to give a clear answer. Generally when a property is purchased the buyers make an appraisal of the things that are there on the property premises. When a company buys land and buildings, it is mandatory to have a complete list of the buildings and the men and material within each of those buildings. It is not possible to make changes or modifications without this list. ... It is not possible to make changes or modifications without this list. Even if the purchasers are intending to make changes in the buildings to cater to their field of operation, it is necessary to get such a list so the purchasers have a clear understanding of the contents in each building and where they need to make changes. In the present circumstances, there is no such information. It is hoped that the company has not made the complete payment. If there is any balance in the payment to be made, it is easier to get the sellers to carry out cleaning operations and also make needed restorations.Â